Ambassadors for Christ

We are committed to empowering lives, restoring human dignity,
and eliminating poverty amongst the most vulnerable through humanitarian services in a youth-friendly way.

Youth Empowerment

Technical Vocational Skills Training for Youth Empowerment

Medical Care

Medical Assistance for suffering children whose Parents cannot afford Medical Facilities Bill

Child Education

Academic Support for School Enrollment

Our main goal is to provide Spiritual Guidance


We’re positively impacting lives

We’ve dedicated our lives to helping humanity strive through challenges and struggles.

Our Success Stories

Below are the success stories that we are proud, and they keep inspiring us to do more for the less privileged. 

Welejay (Age: 15), a member of Ambassadors for Christ who lives with a single mother around the youth chapel. Stated after attending a series of services, “I am happy to learn about the importance of the Christian life. I always thought I suppose to live my life any way I feel fit. But learning the teaching of the Bible has helped me get assurance that God loves me and wants me to love you by what I do.”  The youth rallies held every Saturdays continue to enlighten people like Welejay focus on one of the most important issue one will have to do in this life. 

George parents’ unfortunate separation brought him to live with his grandmother at the age of seven years. Dropped out of school at that young age and was barely managed with daily necessity by his struggling grandmother. These situations made him continually sad and place him in a stage of isolation from his peers. Gradually, George was invited at the youth rallies and became a member of Ambassadors for Christ. He now enjoys interaction with peers in a friendly and an empathy way as the brightness in him begins to shine. She once stated, “I now know, there are people who have situations like me. And no matter what my past was, my future can be better.

Ambassador for Christ hope to someday address the academic needs of children like George.

Mary, is age 17 and a mother of 2 children. She comes from a family that lacks proper parental care. As a result of this, she is now a teen parent of two without a father, for the pregnancies were abandon by those who impregnated her. Life is so difficult for Mary, she is uneducated and unskilled to earn an income. Being a member of Ambassadors for Christ who also help in organizing the youth rallies on Saturdays and cleaning the surroundings of the building she receives a little compensation to assist her care for herself and her children, with a little extra help from her extended family members. “I am grateful to be a member of Ambassadors for Christ” she usually says, for more importantly the teachings  and learning sessions has helped empower my capacity for better decision making processes that could give me an improved livelihood condition someday. 

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Recent Events

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These are some of our activities and programs 

Saturdays Youth Rallies for Spiritual Enlightenment

provides spiritual insight for spiritual growth. As Christ is the center of Ambassadors for Christ, we share his teachings with others for we believed it is the best lesson they can have as they transition from earth to eternity. During these meeting they are encourage to explore their inner gifts and talents such as singing, dancing, teaching, whatever it is amongst their peers for mentorship. 

Life Skills Education for Informed Decision-Making Processes

provides information for informed decision-making processes. Youth are considered to be the productive members of a society due to their physical and intellectual capacity. But unfortunately, most of the youth are unable to utilize their potential to maximum due to inappropriate environment. They are always engaging in antisocial activities and making wrong choices. To make life of youth valuable and to convert them to individuals with high potential, Ambassadors for Christ continue to carry out life skill educational amongst her members. These sessions help their promotion of a general wellbeing and psychosocial competence, it also empowers them to take positive action to protect themselves and promote their health and positive social relationships. Our overall goal at the end of the day is, they are able to establish productive interpersonal relationships with others and ability to make positive decision for improved livelihood conditions.

Home Visitation/ Community Outreach for Strengthening of Collaboration and Partnership

During these regular visits we demonstrate that we care and are concern about things that impact or affect their lives. We rejoice with them in great moments like birthdays, graduations, anniversaries and during sad moments as well, with things like losing a love one or experiencing an illness. Our goal is to win them over to Christ, make them too ambassadors for Him and we believe demonstrating love this way is a great strategy that assist us accomplish the goal. When we go out, we usually meet hungry faces most especially children, we meet parents/ caregivers battling with financial crisis for basic needs that makes it difficult to just walk away.

With help we can empower these parents/caregivers to be equip enough to tend to the basic needs of their children, help them develop their full potential and impact the world around them.   

Based on our presence and community relationship; we have come to learn lessons that have helped Ambassadors for Christ grow. Our engagement with these communities has equipped us with knowledge of local dynamics. There exist structures (Families, Schools, Local Authority, and Informal Educational Setting etc.) in communities that are invisible to the untrained eye; these structures come to life when there is an honest attempt to engage communities’ growth.  These structures are effective vehicles for behaviour change communication and we gladly use them. Active involvement and participation of local governmental authorities and the use of community based informant contributes to effective implementation of Ambassadors for Christ endeavour.

Best Team

Meet Our Volunteers

Meet Out Hard Working Volunteers who have committed their time and energy toward providing a better livelihood for children


Cavita Wilson

Our Lead Volunteer


Alexa Great

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Become A Volunteer For Save People's Life

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We Can't Help Everyone, But Everyone Can Help Someone


Our Supporters Voice

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Mark Hughes


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Allesio Dunn


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Tyler Curtis


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